
Mature oligodendrocytes are myelin forming glial cells which are responsible for myelination of neuronal axons in the white matter of the central nervous system. Myelin pathology is a major feature of severe neurological disorders. Oligodendrocyte-specific gene mutations and/or white matter alterations have also been addressed in a variety of mental disorders. Breakdown of myelin integrity and demyelination is associated with severe symptoms, including impairments in motor coordination, breathing, dysarthria, perception (vision and hearing), and cognition. Furthermore, there is evidence indicating that myelin sheath defects and white matter pathology contributes to the affective and cognitive symptoms of patients with mental disorders. Oligodendrocytes express the connexins GJC2; mCx47 [human (GJC2) and mouse (mCx47) connexin gene nomenclature according to Söhl and Willecke (2003)], GJB1; mCx32, and GJD1; mCx29 in both white and gray matter. Preclinical findings indicate that alterations in connexin expression in oligodendrocytes and astrocytes can induce myelin defects. GJC2; mCx47 is expressed at early embryonic stages in oligodendrocyte precursors cells which precedes central nervous system myelination. In adult humans and animals GJC2, respectively mCx47 expression is essential for oligodendrocyte function and ensures adequate myelination as well as myelin maintenance in the central nervous system. In the past decade, evidence has accumulated suggesting that mental disorders can be accompanied by changes in connexin expression, myelin sheath defects and corresponding white matter alterations. This dual pathology could compromise inter-neuronal information transfer, processing and communication and eventually contribute to behavioral, sensory-motor, affective and cognitive symptoms in patients with mental disorders. The induction of myelin repair and remyelination in the central nervous system of patients with mental disorders could help to restore normal neuronal information propagation and ameliorate behavioral and cognitive symptoms in individuals with mental disorders.

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