
We introduce a novel composite Higgs theory based on confining supersymmetric QCD. Supersymmetric duality plays a key role in this construction, with a "fat" Higgs boson emerging as a dual magnetic degree of freedom charged under the dual magnetic gauge group. Due to spontaneous color-flavor locking in the infrared, the electroweak gauge symmetry is aligned with the dual magnetic gauge group, allowing large Yukawa couplings between elementary matter fields and the composite Higgs. At the same time, this theory exhibits metastable supersymmetry breaking, leading to low-scale gauge mediation via composite messengers. The Higgs boson is heavier than in minimal supersymmetric theories, due to non-decoupling D-terms and a large F-term quartic coupling. This theory predicts quasi-stable TeV-scale pseudo-modulini, some of which are charged under standard model color, possibly giving rise to long-lived R-hadrons at the LHC.

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