
We obtain a new fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining the transitive closure of a directed graph. Our algorithm maintains the transitive closure matrix in a total running time of O ( mn + ( ins + del ) · n 2 ), where ins ( del ) is the number of insert (delete) operations performed. Here n is the number of vertices in the graph and m is the initial number of edges in the graph. Obviously, reachability queries can be answered in constant time. The algorithm uses only O ( n 2 ) time which is essentially optimal for maintaining the transitive closure matrix. Our algorithm can also support path queries. If v is reachable from u , the algorithm can produce a path from u to v in time proportional to the length of the path. The best previously known algorithm for the problem is due to Demetrescu and Italiano [2000]. Their algorithm has a total running time of O ( n 3 + ( ins + del ) · n 2 ). The query time is also constant. In addition, we also present a simple algorithm for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) with a total running time of O ( mn + ins · n 2 + del ). Our algorithms are obtained by combining some new ideas with techniques of Italiano [1986, 1988], King [1999], King and Thorup [2001] and Frigioni et al. [2001]. We also note that our algorithms are extremely simple and can be easily implemented.

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