
The methodological and computational aspects of Fast Radiative Transfer Model (FRTM) development designed for the analysis and validation of the data of measurements using satellite-based instrument-hyperspectral IR sounders of high spectral resolution—are considered. A description of the FRTM is given for the analysis and modeling of the measurements by the IRFS-2 IR Fourier spectrometer for polarorbiting meteorological satellites of the Meteor-M series based on the known RTTOV FRTM. Computational efficiency is estimated and the results of the verification of developed FRTM are presented. They were obtained from a comparison of model simulations with exact line-by-line calculations for the IRFS-2 IR sounder. The increase in computational performance and the accuracy of the FRTM, caused by the application of the algorithms of the principal components method, are discussed. The construction of radiative models, which use the algorithm of the Monte Carlo method and are applicable for the analysis and modeling of the data of IR sounders under conditions of cloudiness in the instrument field of view, is considered.

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