
An efficient and versatile non-Fourier method for the computation of Landau-fluid (LF) closure operators [Hammett and Perkins, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 3019 (1990)] is presented, based on an approximation by a sum of modified-Helmholtz-equation solves (SMHS) in configuration space. This method can yield fast-Fourier-like scaling of the computational time requirements and also provides a very compact data representation of these operators, even for plasmas with large spatial nonuniformity. As a result, the method can give significant savings compared with direct application of “delocalization kernels” [e.g., Schurtz et al., Phys. Plasmas 7, 4238 (2000)], both in terms of computational cost and memory requirements. The method is of interest for the implementation of Landau-fluid models in situations where the spatial nonuniformity, particular geometry, or boundary conditions render a Fourier implementation difficult or impossible. Systematic procedures have been developed to optimize the resulting operators for accuracy and computational cost. The four-moment Landau-fluid model of Hammett and Perkins has been implemented in the BOUT++ code using the SMHS method for LF closure. Excellent agreement has been obtained for the one-dimensional plasma density response function between driven initial-value calculations using this BOUT++ implementation and matrix eigenvalue calculations using both Fourier and SMHS non-Fourier implementations of the LF closures. The SMHS method also forms the basis for the implementation, which has been carried out in the BOUT++ code, of the parallel and toroidal drift-resonance LF closures. The method is a key enabling tool for the extension of gyro-Landau-fluid models [e.g., Beer and Hammett, Phys. Plasmas 3, 4046 (1996)] to codes that treat regions with strong profile variation, such as the tokamak edge and scrapeoff-layer.

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