
The PHENIX forward upgrade adds nosecone calorimeters and level-1 trigger (LVL-1) detectors to the muon forward spectrometers. The muon detector will trigger on high pT muons from W decay and reject background. This will enable study of quark and anti-quark polarizations in the proton. The upgrade will add momentum and timing information to the present muon trigger. Signals from 3 Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) will provide momentum and timing information for the LVL-1 trigger. Each RPC carries a plane with coarse structure to establish a space point for timing and one with radial cathode strips for azimuthal resolution. Timing resolution of ≈ 2 ns rejects beam-related backgrounds and tracking from RPCs minimizes muons from hadron decays. RPC information is sent by optical. bers to LVL-1 trigger processors. A discussion of physics measurements possible, layout of the upgrade and details of RPC design and tests are given below.

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