
This paper proposes a new logistic-dynamic Arnold coupled logistic map lattice model (LDACLML), where coupling coefficient is logistics map. According to the analysis of space–time behavior, Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy and information entropy, it can be found that the state of each lattice of LDACLML is more stable and more chaotic than CML or even ACLML model. When applied in image encryption, security of LDACLML is higher than CML and ACLML. Therefore, based on this model, in this paper, a new fast image encryption algorithm is proposed. In the algorithm, LDACLML is used to generate key stream of permutation and diffusion. By analyzing the performance of encryption and the ability to prevent various attacks, it can be easily determined that the algorithm has a high degree of security and the excellent efficiency; meanwhile, it also validates the excellent features of the LDACLML model from the side.

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