
Recombination is a fundamental evolutionary force. Therefore the population recombination rate ρ plays an important role in the analysis of population genetic data; however, it is notoriously difficult to estimate. This difficulty applies both to the accuracy of commonly used estimates and to the computational efforts required to obtain them. Some particularly popular methods are based on approximations to the likelihood. They require considerably less computational efforts than the full-likelihood method with not much less accuracy. Nevertheless, the computation of these approximate estimates can still be very time consuming, in particular when the sample size is large. Although auxiliary quantities for composite likelihood estimates can be computed in advance and stored in tables, these tables need to be recomputed if either the sample size or the mutation rate θ changes. Here we introduce a new method based on regression combined with boosting as a model selection technique. For large samples, it requires much less computational effort than other approximate methods, while providing similar levels of accuracy. Notably, for a sample of hundreds or thousands of individuals, the estimate of ρ using regression can be obtained on a single personal computer within a couple of minutes while other methods may need a couple of days or months (or even years). When the sample size is smaller (n ≤ 50), our new method remains computational efficient but produces biased estimates. We expect the new estimates to be helpful when analyzing large samples and/or many loci with possibly different mutation rates.

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