
Classical independent component analysis (ICA) has been reasonably successful; however, the performance and the convergence of the conventional ICA algorithms have reached limitations of further improvement since they utilize only the statistical independency among the sources. For circumventing this situation, in this paper, we incorporate some other kinds of temporal priori information, i.e., the generalized autocorrelation and the nonlinear predictability of each source, and make a convex combination of them to formulate a novel cost function for blind source separation (BSS). With this cost function, a fixed-point BSS algorithm is developed. This algorithm inherits the advantages of the well-known FastICA algorithm of ICA, which converges fast and does not need to choose any learning step sizes. Its higher separation accuracy is verified by numerical experiments. Meanwhile, we also give the consistency analysis and prove convergence properties of the algorithm, which has a (locally) consistent estimator and at least quadratic convergence.

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