
We show that the ‘erasing-larger-loops-first’ (ELLF) method, which was first introduced for erasing loops from the simple random walk on the Sierpinski gasket, does work also for non-Markov random walks, in particular, self-repelling walks to construct a new family of self-avoiding walks on the Sierpinski gasket. The one-parameter family constructed in this method continuously connects the loop-erased random walk and a self-avoiding walk which has the same asymptotic behavior as the ‘standard’ self-avoiding walk. We prove the existence of the scaling limit and study some path properties: The exponent \begin{document}$ν$\end{document} governing the short-time behavior of the scaling limit varies continuously in the parameter. The limit process is almost surely self-avoiding, while it has path Hausdorff dimension \begin{document}$1/ν $\end{document} , which is strictly greater than \begin{document}$1$\end{document} .

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