
The concept of Autism has undergone changes over time, based on new studies on autism that have emerged. Autism or Autistic Disorder is a disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate, establish relationships and respond appropriately to the environment around them. Autism, as a global developmental disorder, evolves with age and lasts for a lifetime. Autism Spectrum Disorder has been categorized into three different levels. By identifying a person's ASD diagnosis as Level 1, 2, or 3, the severity of symptoms and the level of support needed for everyday activities become clearer. People who fall into ASD level 1, or mildautism, need less support. Those at level 2, on the other hand, need more support for certain activities. While those who are at level 3, the most severe type of autism, need a lot of support to carry out activities of daily living. Inclusive education was established in order to protect the rights to education for all, who must participate and learn without any type of discrimination, and it has undergone several changes over time. Special education is a teaching modality that goes through all levels and stages, ensuring everyone's participation in regular education, which aims at teaching and at school and not at the disability of each student, allowing everyone to live together. Thinking about inclusion is more than simply inserting a student into the regularclassroom, it takes preparation to include these students.

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