
In folklore/fairy tale “all the knots of national existence are tied”, therefore folklore/fairy tales are carriers/exponents of the “spirit of the people” and an axiological “drug”. Composing folklore, the peoples embody in it their mindsets and mental ideas about the way of life; therefore, the images-concepts of the folklore array are the generation of axiological meanings that are relevant for understanding the features of sociocultural history and socialization algorithms for transforming pre-sociality into pro-sociality. Being "the size of a nut" fairy-tale texts contain multidimensional value-semantic configurations of social life, therefore the immersion of nature/a Child in the figurative-conceptual depths of folklore/fairy tales with the direct participation of "significant others" – culture/a Parent – is a permanently necessary process for the transmission of values to an individual: “If a fairy tale tells, then both here and there everything goes well”. Fairy-tale legends are the most stable form of transmission of sociocultural experience, since they appeal to imagination and rationality at the same time; the “magical thinking” of folklore/fairy tales makes axiological suggestion softer and more flexible, satisfying the society's need for the demand for values by new generations: “It is remarkable that the whole spectrum of desires is developed in the Russian fairy tale – from the highest to the lowest”. The article attempts to substantiate the figurative-conceptual content of folklore/a fairy tale as the axiological potential of pro-sociality; the idea that folklore/a fairy tale can serve as universal axiological matrices in the formation of the main formats of life scenarios.

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