
ABSTRACT The radial velocity (RV) technique has pushed the planet detection limits down to super-earths. To reach the precision required to detect ear th-like planets it is necessary to reach a precision around 1cm.s -1 . Part of the error budget is due to noise in the wavelength calibration of the spectrograph. The Observatory of Geneva has designed, built and tested in collaboration with ESO a calibrator syst em based on a Fabry-Perot interferometer to explore its potential to improve the wavelength calibration of RV spectr ographs. We have obtained exciting results with the calibrator system demonstrated 10 cm s -1 stability over one night. By further improving the injection system we are aiming at a 1 m s -1 repeatability over the long term. Keywords: extra-solar planets, radial velocity m easurement, high resolution spectrograph 1. INTRODUCTION The radial velocity (RV) technique is so far the most powerful extra-solar planets discovery tool. With the current precision achieved by RV of 69 cm.s

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