
Introduction and aim: In case of imaging modalities using ionizing radiation, radiation exposure of the patients is a vital issue. It is important to survey the various dose-reducing techniques to achieve optimal radiation protection while keeping image quality on an optimal level. Method: We reprocessed 105 patients' data prospectively between February and April 2017. The determination of the radiation dose was based on the effective dose, calculated by multiplying the dose-length product (DLP) and dose-conversation coefficient. In case of image quality we used signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) based on manual segmentation of region of interest (ROI). For statistical analysis, one sample t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used. Results: Using iterative reconstruction, the effective dose was significantly lower (p<0.001) in both native and contrast-enhanced abdominal, contrast-enhanced chest CT scans and in the case of the total effective dose. At native and contrast-enhanced abdominal CT scans, the noise content of the images showed significantly lower (p<0.001) values for iterative reconstruction images. At contrast-enhanced chest CT scans there was no significant difference between the noise content of the images (p>0.05). Conclusion: Using iterative reconstruction, it was possible to achieve significant dose reduction. Since the noise content of the images was not significantly higher using the iterative reconstruction compared to the filtered back projection, further dose reduction can be achievable while preserving the optimal quality of the images. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(35): 1387-1394.


  • Introduction and aimIn case of imaging modalities using ionizing radiation, radiation exposure of the patients is a vital issue

  • The determination of the radiation dose was based on the effective dose, calculated by multiplying the dose-length product (DLP) and doseconversation coefficient

  • At contrast-enhanced chest CT scans there was no significant difference between the noise content of the images (p>0.05)

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A dóziscsökkentés lehetőségei CT-képalkotás során az iteratív képrekonstrukció alkalmazásával. AIDR 3D = (adaptive iterative dose reduction 3D) adaptív iteratív dózisrekonstrukció 3D; ALARA = (as low as reasonably achievable) olyan alacsony, amennyire lehetséges; CT = (computed tomography) komputertomográfia; CTDIvol = (volume computed tomography dose index) térfogati számítógépes tomográfiás dózis index; DLP = (dose-length product) dózishossz szorzat; EMMI = Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma; FBP = (filtered back projection) szűrt visszavetítéses rekonstrukció; FOV = (field of view) látómező; HU = (Hounsfield unit) Hounsfield-egység; IT = (information technology) információs technológia; kV = kilovolt; kVp = (kV peak) csúcsfeszültség; mAs = csőáram-idő szorzat; mGy = milligray; MRI = (magnetic resonance imaging) mágnesesrezonancia-képalkotás; mSv = millisievert; ROI = (region of interest) vizsgálati régió; SAFIRE = (sinogram affirmed iterative reconstruction) szinogrammal megerősített fokozatos közelítést alkalmazó rekonstrukció; SD = (standard deviation) szórás; SNR = (signalto-noise ratio) jel-zaj arány; SPSS = (statistical package for the social sciences) statisztikai csomag a társadalomtudományok számára. Mindkét vizsgálati típusnál a levegőben is elhelyeztünk egy-egy ROI-t, ezáltal az adott CTberendezés dóziscsökkentő hatékonyságát vizsgáltuk, az elnyelődési viszonyoktól függetlenül (1. és 2. ábra)

Statisztikai analízis
Az összes effektív dózis értékeinek megoszlása ORVOSI HETILAP
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