
Real-time three-dimensional (RT3D) echocardiography is the newest generation of three-dimensional (3-D) echocardiography. Segmentation of RT3D echocardiographic images is essential for determining many important diagnostic parameters. In cardiac imaging, since the heart is a moving organ, prior knowledge regarding its shape and motion patterns becomes an important component for the segmentation task. However, most previous cardiac models are either static models (SM), which neglect the temporal coherence of a cardiac sequence or generic dynamical models (GDM), which neglect the inter-subject variability of cardiac motion. In this paper, we present a subject-specific dynamical model (SSDM) which simultaneously handles inter-subject variability and cardiac dynamics (intra-subject variability). It can progressively predict the shape and motion patterns of a new sequence at the current frame based on the shapes observed in the past frames. The incorporation of this SSDM into the segmentation process is formulated in a recursive Bayesian framework. This results in a segmentation of each frame based on the intensity information of the current frame, as well as on the prediction from the previous frames. Quantitative results on 15 RT3D echocardiographic sequences show that automatic segmentation with SSDM is superior to that of either SM or GDM, and is comparable to manual segmentation.KeywordsIndependent Component AnalysisCurrent FrameIndependent Component AnalysisActive Shape ModelCore TensorThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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