
Session-based recommendation is the task of recommending the next item a user might be interested in given partially known session information, e.g., part of a session or recent historical sessions. An effective session-based recommender should be able to exploit a user's evolving preferences, which we assume to be a mixture of her short- and long-term interests. Existing session-based recommendation methods often embed a user's long-term preference into a static representation, which plays a fixed role when dealing with her current short-term interests. This is problematic because long-term preferences may be more or less important for predicting the next conversion depending on the user's short-term interests. We propose a DCN-SR. DCN-SR applies a co-attention network to capture the dynamic interactions between the user's long- and short-term interaction behavior and generates co-dependent representations of the user's long- and short-term interests. For modeling a user's short-term interaction behavior, we design a CGRU network to take actions like click'', collect'' and buy'' into account. Experiments on e-commerce datasets show significant improvements of DCN-SR over state-of-the-art session-based recommendation methods, with improvements of up to 2.58% on the Tmall dataset and 3.08% on the Tianchi dataset in terms of Recall@10. MRR@10 improvements are 3.78% and 4.05%, respectively. We also investigate the scalability and sensitivity of DCN-SR. The improvements of DCN-SR over state-of-the-art baselines are especially noticeable for short sessions and active users with many historical interactions.

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