
ABSTRACT To address challenges effectively in turbomachinery design optimization involving high-dimensional ( d ≥ 30 ) expensive black-box problems, a dedicated Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm is proposed with dynamic aggregation. This specialized approach efficiently navigates optimization tasks with limited sample evaluations. Specifically, the Dynamic Aggregate Efficient Global Optimization (DA-EGO) algorithm decomposes the original high-dimensional design space into low-dimensional subspaces for efficient surrogate-based optimization search, and the optimal solutions of subspaces are combined as an elite-point for the global search. Most importantly, the subspace variables are updated in each iteration, according to the variable interaction analyses in the sub- and full-spaces. The perturbation method and the analysis of variance are used to detect variable interactions. After being validated on 21 benchmark functions ranging from 30 to 90 dimensions, the DA-EGO is used for the optimization of a transonic compressor rotor with 28 variables and a multi-stage compressor optimization with 60 variables. With the above, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is well demonstrated.

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