
In practice, solving realistically sized combinatorial optimization problems to optimality is often too time-consuming to be affordable; therefore, heuristics are typically implemented within most applications software. A specific category of heuristics has attracted considerable attention, namely local search methods. Most local search methods are primal in nature; that is, they start the search with a feasible solution and explore the feasible space for better feasible solutions. In this research, we propose a dual local search method and customize it to solve the traveling salesman problem (TSP); that is, a search method that starts with an infeasible solution, explores the dual space—each time reducing infeasibility, and lands in the primal space to deliver a feasible solution. The proposed design aims to replicate the designs of optimal solution methodologies in a heuristic way. To be more specific, we solve a combinatorial relaxation of a TSP formulation, design a neighborhood structure to repair such an infeasible starting solution, and improve components of intermediate dual solutions locally. Sample-based evidence along with statistically significant t-tests support the superiority of this dual design compared to its primal design counterpart.

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