
A quantitative physical model for potential-induced degradation of the shunting type (PID-s) in solar modules is introduced. Based on a drift and diffusion approach for sodium ions and atoms, it gives insight into the kinetics of degradation and the corresponding regeneration. A simple drift/source term is used to describe the time-dependent flux of Na $^+$ -ions toward stacking faults at the surface of the solar cell. The assumed transport mechanism for Na $^+$ ions through the SiN layer uses the modified Stern–Eyring rate theory but our approach can also be adapted to other mechanisms. Several PID-s and regeneration curves of one-cell solar modules at T = 49 °C and T = 90 °C with 1000 V potential difference between module frame and cell were measured and least-square fits of the in situ measured parallel resistance $R_\text{sh}$ to the model were performed giving very good accordance. Based on a few measurements, the model can predict PID-s and regeneration characteristics of solar modules under different conditions.

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