
Model Based Systems Engineering as a scientific discipline tries to address the increasing complexity of today’s cyber-physical systems by utilizing different kinds of models. In practical application, however, this approach is often constrained to SysML-based object modeling. Even though this appears to be a suitable approach for dealing with complexity, various restrictions limit stakeholder acceptance. Considering scientific discussions in the context of modeling shows two different schools of thought. On the one hand, arguments for more formalized and rigorous concepts can be found, where on the other hand, the need for more stakeholder-oriented and easier-to-understand concepts is postulated. As both are reasonable, the question of integration arises. To address this aspect, we developed the concept of Domain Specific Systems Engineering. Our research in this field lasted for nearly a decade, and different aspects have been investigated. This paper contributes a summary of the overall approach that integrates the various aspects investigated so far. Thus, the underlying concepts are explained, and the corresponding modeling stack and tool-chain are described in more detail. Further, the practical experiences from various case studies are summarized, and identified shortcomings are discussed.

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