
The purpose of the work is the analysis of a possible function of mental foramens as channels through which the echo passes in the lower jaw fat body and the determination of a role of channels and a skull in formation of the directivity of the dolphin echolocation hearing. Concrete problems were studying of the lower jaw morphology, modeling and calculation of a dolphin, tursiops truncatus p., echolocation hearing beam pattern. The outcomes of the work indicate those morphological structures of the lower jaw; the left and right half represents two hydroacoustic receiving antennas of the traveling wave type, TWA farther. The mental foramens of a dolphin lower jaw represent nonequidistant array of waveguide delay lines, and determine the phase and amplitude distribution of each of the antenna’s array. The beam pattern of the echolocation hearing was calculated with the usage of the TWA model, and the allowance of flat sound wave diffraction. The beam pattern shape is naturally determined by the echolocation hearing functionality. It is equally well adapted both for echolocation and for pulses echo detection. A steepness of the bearing characteristic is estimated; it reaches 0.7 dB per degree.

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