
A Poisson analog of the Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence is established for any affine Poisson algebra $R$ on which an algebraic torus $H$ acts rationally, by Poisson automorphisms, such that $R$ has only finitely many prime Poisson $H$-stable ideals. In this setting, an additional characterization of the Poisson primitive ideals of $R$ is obtained -- they are precisely the prime Poisson ideals maximal in their $H$-strata (where two prime Poisson ideals are in the same $H$-stratum if the intersections of their $H$-orbits coincide). Further, the Zariski topology on the space of Poisson primitive ideals of $R$ agrees with the quotient topology induced by the natural surjection from the maximal ideal space of $R$ onto the Poisson primitive ideal space. These theorems apply to many Poisson algebras arising from quantum groups. The full structure of a Poisson algebra is not necessary for the results of this paper, which are developed in the setting of a commutative algebra equipped with a set of derivations.

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