
Some behavioral models are created by imagination and only in this have real existence, even if it is fictitious. These images of collective representation or ideas are internalized by man, who builds for himself value systems, beliefs, ideologies and religious experiences. Popular religious imagery establish then, from an apparent reflection, axioms of faith and behavior that become guidelines to the practical actions of life. An expression from the eighteenth century British poet and essayist Alexander Pope, To err is human, to forgive is divine , has become an absolute truth in the Brazilian popular religious imagery. In this article, it is approached the deification and humanization nexus of forgiveness. Why is it possible to understand the human potential for error, but, when it becomes necessary to apply forgiveness to one who makes the mistake, we deify forgiveness? From a reflection on the popular religious imagery - where to err is an activity innate to man and to forgive a gift exclusively divine - and the theological vision and relationship of Brazilians with God, it is sought to introduce the concept of forgiveness according to the text sacred to Christians, exposing the principle that to forgive is both a divine and human act. It also evokes the difficulties experienced in the act of forgiving in the relation of man with his equal, and the assistance provided through counseling.

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