
Abstract We describe a distinctive new species of twistwing (Tyrannidae: Cnipodectes) from southeastern Peru. Despite extensive ornithological research in the region, this species has escaped notice, which suggests that it may be restricted to larger blocks of forest dominated by bamboo (Guadua spp.), a habitat poorly surveyed in Amazonia. Currently known from only a few sites in the departments of Madre de Dios and Cuzco, the species appears to be a Guadua specialist, though its life history is very poorly known. To date, the only other species of Cnipodectes, C. subbrunneus (Brownish Twistwing), is not known from most of southeastern Peru. Una Nueva Especie Distintiva del Genero Cnipodectes (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae) del Sureste de Peru

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