
Multiple imputation has emerged as a widely used model-based approach in dealing with incomplete data in many application areas. Gaussian and log-linear imputation models are fairly straightforward to implement for continuous and discrete data, respectively. However, in missing data settings which include a mix of continuous and discrete variables, correct specification of the imputation model could be a daunting task owing to the lack of flexible models for the joint distribution of variables of different nature. This complication, along with accessibility to software packages that are capable of carrying out multiple imputation under the assumption of joint multivariate normality, appears to encourage applied researchers for pragmatically treating the discrete variables as continuous for imputation purposes, and subsequently rounding the imputed values to the nearest observed category. In this article, I introduce a distance-based rounding approach for ordinal variables in the presence of continuous ones. The first step of the proposed rounding process is predicated upon creating indicator variables that correspond to the ordinal levels, followed by jointly imputing all variables under the assumption of multivariate normality. The imputed values are then converted to the ordinal scale based on their Euclidean distances to a set of indicators, with minimal distance corresponding to the closest match. I compare the performance of this technique to crude rounding via commonly accepted accuracy and precision measures with simulated data sets.

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