
On 11 October 2021, this journal published a review article entitled “Optimisation of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) using natural origin materials: A systematic literature review” [1]. The article made a very interesting state of the art review which allows the advancement of the knowledge on the improvement of the performance of CEBs. However, the present discussion points out that the review failed to recommend to take into consideration the reactivity, in addition to the parameters of texture and plasticity, for the selection of earth for the production of optimised CEBs. The review also simplified the relation between the thermal conductivity and density of CEBs, to a linear correlation. Moreover, the correlation between the compressive strength and bulk density is better approached by an exponential law rather than the linear law as was claimed in the review. Finally, the review should have recommended the consideration of eroded area, in addition to the depth of erosion pit, for the assessment of the erosion resistance of CEBs.

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