
Objective: The objective of this bibliographical research is to investigate the health work process, with an emphasis on caring acts, aiming to understand their significant contribution to the formation of protagonists in the construction of a fairer and more humanized health system. Methods: The bases of this research consisted of the analysis of legal documents from the Ministry of Health and public policies aimed at collective health. The research focused on issues related to the health work process. Data collection involved bibliographical surveys in magazines, scientific articles and books that address the topic investigated, including reference works such as those by KUMAR et al. (2018), PENNISI et al. (2020) and DAI et al. (2016). Results: The research results indicate that Primary Health Care workers often face stressful conditions in the work environment. In this context, quality of life is considered a multidimensional construct, influenced by several aspects, such as working conditions, personal life, physical and psychological health, social relationships and living environment. Conclusion: Given the evidence presented, it is possible to conclude that an in-depth understanding of the health work process, with a focus on caring acts, is essential to promote a healthier work environment and contribute to the construction of a fairer and more humanized health system . The constant exposure of Primary Health Care professionals to stressful conditions highlights the importance of strategies that aim to improve quality of life, considering the various factors that influence this multidimensional construct.

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