
This chapter begins by showing the deep resonance between Receptive Ecumenism and Chiara Lubich’s spirituality of unity. It explores how the discipline of dialogue, central to both, depends upon conversion and opens the partners in dialogue to the presence of Christ, which, in turn, facilitates deeper dialogue. It then looks briefly at the ‘ecumenism of life’ which comes from the spirituality of unity, considering one of its practical applications, the project ‘Together for Europe’. This shows how spirituality has effects beyond the sphere of religion. The chapter then considers how the spirituality of unity can enhance Receptive Ecumenism in four areas, grouping together its strategic values: the eschatological dimension, our self-emptying love patterned on Christ’s dereliction on the cross, the Trinitarian life, and an ecumenism of the people. The chapter concludes with a challenge: given that Christian unity is brought about by persons, we need to engage as persons; essential to this is the discipline of dialogue.

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