
Using the Liège intranuclear-cascade model together with the ablation model ABLA, an investigation is conducted into the effects of Λ potential in Λ-nucleus and Λ-hypernucleus-nucleus collisions across various beam energies. The findings show that the angle and transverse-momentum distributions of scattered Λ hyperon, the scattering cross section of the Λ hyperon in Λ-nucleus collisions as well as the rapidity distribution of Λ hyperon in Λ-hypernucleus-nucleus collisions are significantly influenced by the strength of the Λ potential in these scattering reactions across various beam energies. These demonstrations, unhindered by the uncertainties of Λ and hypernuclei productions in nuclear medium, allow for a direct investigation of the Λ potential, especially its momentum dependence. The criticality of probing the Λ potential is closely associated with the resolution of the “hyperon puzzle” in neutron stars.

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