
It is well known that the number P_k(x)=\frac{x((k-2)(x-1)+2)}{2} is called the x-th k-gonal number, where x\geq1,k\geq3. Many Diophantine equations about polygonal numbers have been studied. By the theory of Pell equation, we show that if G(k-2)(A(p-2)a^2+2Cab+B(q-2)b^2) is a positive integer but not a perfect square, (2A(p-2)\alpha-(p-4)A + 2C\beta+2D)a + (2B(q-2)\beta-(q-4)B+2C\alpha+2E)b>0, 2G(k-2)\gamma-(k-4)G+2H>0 and the Diophantine equation \[AP_p(x)+BP_q(y)+Cxy+Dx+Ey+F=GP_k(z)+Hz\] has a nonnegative integer solution (\alpha,\beta,\gamma), then it has infinitely many positive integer solutions of the form (at + \alpha,bt + \beta,z), where p, q, k \geq 3 and p,q,k,a,b,t,A,B,G\in\mathbb{Z^+}, C,D,E,F,H\in\mathbb{Z}.

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