
A current comparator impedance bridge, suitable for the comparison of four-terminal-pair impedance standards having similar phase angles (e.g., resistors or capacitors) in the audio frequency range at 1 : 1 and 10 : 1 nominal ratios, is here presented. The bridge is digitally assisted: Its accuracy is granted by an electromagnetic device, a high-permeability core current comparator, but the voltages and currents needed to achieve both principal and auxiliary equilibria are generated by programming a polyphase direct-digital-synthesis generator. The resulting implementation is neat and simple and does not include variable components such as decade dividers. The measurement is semiautomated: After an initial setting, the equilibrium can be achieved in a few minutes. Measurements performed on calculable resistors give a base accuracy of a few parts in $10^{7}$ at kilohertz frequency, sufficient for calibration purposes, with the potential for further improvement.

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