
Lockdowns and border closures due to COVID-19 imposed mental, social, and financial hardships in many societies. Living with the virus and resuming normal life are increasingly being advocated due to decreasing virus severity and widespread vaccine coverage. However, current trends indicate a continued absence of effective contingency plans to stop the next more virulent variant of the pandemic. The COVID-19-related mask waste crisis has also caused serious environmental problems and virus spreads. It is timely and important to consider how to precisely implement surveillance for the dynamic clearance of COVID-19 and how to efficiently manage discarded masks to minimize disease transmission and environmental hazards. In this viewpoint, we sought to address this issue by proposing an appropriate strategy for intelligent surveillance of infected cases and centralized management of mask waste. Such an intelligent strategy against COVID-19, consisting of wearable mask sample collectors (masklect) and voiceprints and based on the STRONG (Spatiotemporal Reporting Over Network and GPS) strategy, could enable the resumption of social activities and economic recovery and ensure a safe public health environment sustainably.

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