
The use of overdentures for treatment of oligodontia in adolescent patients using conventional techniques has described limitations. The aim of the case report is to demonstrate the use of CAD (Computer Aided Design) CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture) technology to produce an esthetic monolithic polymethylmethacrylate prosthesis that is retentive and stable on insertion. Adolescent oligodontia patients are typically not suitable candidates for dental implant therapy. Overdentures provide interim or definitive restorative advantages. Given the important esthetic, psychological, and social functions of the prosthesis, an important therapeutic goal for the overdenture prosthesis is esthetics. A CAD-CAM approach to overdenture manufacture can provide a highly esthetic, strong, and retentive prosthesis. CAD-CAM manufacture of monolithic acrylic overdentures offer several advantages that include (1) improved planning and clinical communication, (2) high fidelity manufacture, (3) improved flexural strength, impact strength, and porosity, (4) improved prosthesis integrity and durability (due to the monolithic design), (5) CNC control of occlusal contacts, (6) high esthetic potential due to quality of bulk material and iterative design, and (7) archival nature of the digital prosthesis. CAD-CAM manufacture of monolithic overdentures is a viable approach to completing high value esthetic management of the adolescent oligodontia patient. This case report identifies a new way to utilize CAD CAM technology to produce an improved overdenture for the oligodontia patient. It will be of interest to many and underscores the fundamental principles of smile design transfer to the digital environment. (J Esthet Restor Dent, 2016).

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