
The influence of Black women leaders in this country and throughout the world in corporate, political, educational, and religious settings has existed for years (Allen & Lewis, 2016). The most recent election of both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is a testament to that as their wins have been largely attributed to the leadership, efforts, and mobilization of Black women. Yet, Black women’s leadership challenges and experiences have remained largely ignored as studies of leadership have typically centered on whites and males. (Allen & Lewis, 2016). Further, despite their contributions, Black women have remained underrepresented in most key leadership positions in all segments of society. Nowhere is this seen more than in the Black church where leadership is male-dominated (Barnes, 2006). Though women comprise much of the congregation, they hold very few leadership positions. This forces the question that must be asked, if she is called, then why can’t she come? This paper seeks to examine these ongoing issues through the lenses of Critical Race Feminism (CRF) and to provide recommendations that aim to further leadership advancement for Black clergywomen. This paper argues that Critical Race Feminism provides a viewpoint that focuses on feminism, race, and power to understand the multiplicity of leadership inequality in the Black church by extending the discussion of Black women's leadership challenges in the church beyond race to gender subordination.

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