
Three Bahama-like carbonate platforms-the Guilin, Yangshuo and Yanshan-occurred in Guilin and the surrounding regions during Middle and Late Devonian, which, at a broad scale, are part of an extensive carbonate platform (Xiangzhou carbonate platform) facies in South China. The intraplatform depression facies, a unique characteristic of the Chinese Devonian depositional sequence, separates Bahama-like (platform-to-depression) carbonate subplatforms. Intraplatform depressions resulted from syndepositional faulting that cut the basement of carbonate subplatforms and affected further platform development. The Liangshuijing section, located between the Guilin platform in the north and the Yangshuo platform in the south, is representative of the fore-reef slope facies neighboring an intraplatform depression. The south edge of the fore-reef slope lies adjacent to the Yangshuo reef carbonate platform, and the north edge graded into the Yangdi pelagic depression facies. A detailed sedimentary and microfacies analysis work done in this study at the Liangshuijing section shows a distinct vertical facies change from back-reef, restricted platform, hemipelagic, to fore-reef slope facies, differing from eithershallow-water benthic facies or typical pelagic facies. Various benthic and pelagic lithofacies and their associations have been recognized in the Liangshuijing section, including dolomitic rudstone, gastropod wackestone,Amphipora floatstone, tentaculitoid wackestone, stromatolite and oncoid limestone,Amphipora grainstone, grain flows, laminated limestone, flatpebble and brachiopod floatstone, and carbonate turbidites. Eight types of sedimentary cycles composed of two or three lithofacies have been distinguished, which are able to indicate environment changes. Stromatolites, oncoids, grain flows, carbonate turbidites, and tentaculitoid limestones characterize the slope and intraplatform depression lithofacies. Analysis of the vertical sedimentary cycles in the Liangshuijinag section and the lateral stratigraphic equivalents suggest the differing facies patterns occurred at the middleVarcus Zone (Givetian) of Middle Devonian, coeval with the development of fore-reef slope facies in the Guilin area in response to syndepositional faulting. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A00QA031 00003

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