
The restricted flowering of colored cultivars ofZantedeschia is a consequence of developmental constraints imposed by apical dominance of the primary bud on secondary buds in the tuber, and by the sympodial growth of individual shoots. GA3 enhances flowering inZantedeschia by increasing the number of flowering shoots per tuber and inflorescences per shoot. The effects of gibberellin on the pattern of flowering and on the developmental fate of differentiated inflorescences along the tuber axis and individual shoot axes were studied in GA3 and Uniconazole-treated tubers. Inflorescence primordia and fully developed (emerged) floral stems produced during tuber storage and the plant growth period were recorded. Days to flowering, percent of flowering shoots and floral stem length decreased basipetally along the shoot and tuber axes. GA3 prolonged the flowering period and increased both the number of flowering shoots per tuber and the differentiated inflorescences per shoot. Activated buds were GA3 responsive regardless of meristem size or age. Uniconazole did not inhibit inflorescence differentiation but inhibited floral stem elongation. The results suggest that GA3 has a dual action in the flowering process: induction of inflorescence differentiation and promotion of floral stem elongation. The flowering pattern could be a result of a gradient in the distribution of endogenous factors involved in inflorescence differentialtion (possibly GAs) and in floral stem growth. This gradient along the tuber and shoot axes is probably controlled by apical dominance of the primary bud.

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