
High-resolution radio images of Kepler's SNR (SNR (SN 1604) at 6 and 21 cm have been obtained using the VLA. The orientation of linear polarization in the SNR implies a substantial nonrandom radial component for the magnetic field of the remnant. Based on a new X-ray picture of the SNR, obtained using the Einstein Observatory, a detailed comparison of the X-ray and radio morphology is carried out. There is a good correlation between rotation measure, obtained from the radio maps, and emission measure, an X-ray-derived quantity in the SNR shell. From the mean electron density value infered from an analysis of X-ray fluxes, a mean radial magnetic field of 14 micro G and a total magnetic field of 70 microG are estimated. The energy density of relativistic electrons in Kepler's SNR in the shell comparable to the energy density in the magnetic field; the relativistic electron-pressure is 2 percent of the thermal gas pressure. The strong correlation between radio emissivity and X-ray emissivity found over the SNR in somewhat large scale can be ascribed to acceleration of thermal electrons at the shock wave and insignificant diffusion of resultant relativistic electrons.

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