
The magnetic properties of combustion products from various metamorphic grade coals including lignite, flame coal, gas coal, fat coal, baking coal and lean coal and anthracite coal, were analyzed. This study was carried out by means of basic magnetic parameters, thermomagnetic and hysteresis measurements. The mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) values ranged from 327 × 10−8 m3/kg to 1722 × 10−8 m3/kg, with an average value of 892 × 10−8 m3/kg, demonstrating a considerable amount of ferrimagnetic minerals in these burned coal samples. The lower χ and SIRM values for the burned lignite were probably due to the lower content of magnetite. A characteristic feature of combustion products was their high values of frequency dependent susceptibility (χfd%), indicating the presence of a large amount of superparamagnetic grains of ferrimagnetic minerals within the combustion products. Thermomagnetic analyses of various combustion products showed the dominant role of magnetite-like phase. Moreover, a significant amount of hematite was also only identified in the combustion product from Flame coal. While the combustion products from Flame coal and Fat coal were characterized by a relatively narrow loop, characteristic of magnetically soft ferrimagnetic minerals, other combustion products including lignite, gas coal, baking coal, lean coal and anthracite coal displayed wasp-waisted loops, indicating the presence of two or more coercivity fractions.

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