
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a heterogeneous unavoidable by-product generated by human activities in commercial and residential areas. With economic growth, population explosion, urbanization, industrialization, and better living standards in cities, India is facing the problem of MSW management and disposal. Municipal authorities are not able to manage increasing quantities of waste in an efficient way, due to which considerable MSW can be seen on the roads and other public places, which results in several environmental and health-related problems that are increasing. Therefore, ineffective MSW management is one of the major environmental issues in most Indian cities, which require serious attention. MSW generation rate and detailed composition analysis play a major role to develop an effective, economical, and environmentally friendly MSW management system. This paper aims to characterize the waste generated in Haridwar city and review of the existing situation of MSW management. A total of 10 samples (A to J, one sample per week) have been collected (5 in summer and 5 in winter) from MSW dumpsite of Haridwar city. All samples have been detailed physically characterized to find out the composition of each component of MSW. Also, the moisture content of each component of each sample has been determined. The main components of MSW were organics (49%), inert (17%), plastics (10%), paper and textile (9%), and metal (7%). The detailed composition analysis shows that organic (biodegradable 49%) and recyclable (35%) waste are two major components of MSW. Finally, based on field studies and available literature data, the waste generation rate of Haridwar city was estimated at 220 metric tons (0.94 kg /c /d).

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