
The structural features of volatile anesthetic binding sites on proteins are being examined with the use of a defined model system consisting of a four- α-helix bundle scaffold with a hydrophobic core. Previous work has suggested that introducing a cavity into the hydrophobic core improves anesthetic binding affinity. The more polarizable methionine side chain was substituted for a leucine, in an attempt to enhance the dispersion forces between the ligand and the protein. The resulting bundle variant has an improved affinity ( K d = 0.20 ± 0.01 mM) for halothane binding, compared with the leucine-containing bundle ( K d = 0.69 ± 0.06 mM). Photoaffinity labeling with 14C-halothane reveals preferential labeling of the W15 residue in both peptides, supporting the view that fluorescence quenching by bound anesthetic reports both the binding energetics and the location of the ligand in the hydrophobic core. The rates of amide hydrogen exchange were similar for the two bundles, suggesting that differences in binding affinity were not due to changes in protein stability. Binding of halothane to both four- α-helix bundle proteins stabilized the native folded conformations. Molecular dynamics simulations of the bundles illustrate the existence of the hydrophobic core, containing both W15 residues. These results suggest that in addition to packing defects, enhanced dispersion forces may be important in providing higher affinity anesthetic binding sites. Alternatively, the effect of the methionine substitution on halothane binding energetics may reflect either improved access to the binding site or allosteric optimization of the dimensions of the binding pocket. Finally, preferential stabilization of folded protein conformations may represent a fundamental mechanism of inhaled anesthetic action.

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