
On grim winter days it is easy to feel that we live in a predatory digital ecology intentionally designed to foster negative emotions. We prime players with mechanisms that actively generate social comparison, fear of missing out, loneliness, anxiety, and polarization. Why? So our games can more easily extract their time and cash. What a sad state. As a designer of social architectures lived in by millions, I doggedly ask myself the following questions. What is a brighter path forward? What adds to our player's lives? What can we do as smart, thoughtful, caring builders to create new digital worlds that help players thrive? Because, no matter how gloomy or entrenched certain business practices might be, the future is yet to be written. We have an obligation to create design theory and practice that increases player happiness (both hedonic and eudaimonic) and health (both physical and mental). At the scale of individual players and across massive communities. I see four opportunities to turn this challenge into a reality.

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