
A descriptive comparative study was undertaken to assess the knowledge regarding play home environment among mothers of preschool children at selected rural and urban areas of Puducherry. A sample of 140 mothers (70 from urban & 70 from rural) with children in the age group of 3 to 6 years was selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique. Home observational visit and interview technique was employed to assess the knowledge of the mothers of Preschoolers regarding play home environment. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive comparative statistics. The findings of the descriptive and comparative study revealed that The association of Knowledge of 140 samples were considered, overall stimulation (Total Percentile Range) given by the mothers to their children showed majority of the mother’s stands on Middle half with 60.7% & minor mother’s stands on Upper fourth with 15%. Comparison of mother’s knowledge on urban & rural data shows that the Knowledge on overall stimulation (Total Percentile Range) given by the mothers to their children showed majority of the mother’s stands on Middle half with 60.7% & minor mother’s stands on Upper fourth with 15% and p value is 0.000. The finding of the study showed that the demographic variables such as Locality (nuclear family), Birth order of the child (birth order of 1), Age of the child (4 – 4.11 age group), Educational qualification of partner (educational status of class XII & Graduate), Employment of mother (not employed), Employment of father (employed), Religion (Hindu), Type of family (nuclear family), Sex of the child (male children’s > female) influence the knowledge of mother regarding play home environment whereas Educational qualification of mother (educational status of no & elementary education) doesn’t influence the knowledge. The study concluded that in the assessment of findings of knowledge of mothers of preschoolers on play home environment on urban and rural mothers, urban mother’s got satisfactory knowledge on overall play & its environment with most of them in middle half percentile compared to rural mothers.

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