
True's beaked whales (Mesoplodon mirus) were encountered on two separate shipboard surveys on 24 July 2016 and 16 September 2017 in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Recordings were made using a hydrophone array towed 300 m behind the ship. In 2016, three different groups were sighted within 1500 m of the ship; clicks were recorded for 26 min. In 2017, a single group of five whales was tracked over the course of five hours in which the ship maintained a distance <4000 m from the group. A total of 2938 frequency-modulated (FM) clicks and 7 buzzes were recorded from both encounters. Plausible inter-click-intervals (ICIs) were calculated from 2763 clicks, and frequency and duration measurements were calculated from 2150 good quality FM clicks. The median peak frequencies were 43.1 kHz (2016, n = 718) and 43.5 kHz (2017, n = 1432). Median ICIs were 0.17 s (2016) and 0.19 s (2017). The spectra and measurements of the recorded clicks closely resemble Gervais's beaked whale clicks (Mesoplodon europaeus) and distinguishing between the two species in acoustic data sets proves difficult. The acoustic behavior of True's beaked whales was previously unknown; this study provides a description of echolocation clicks produced by this species.

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