
Description of downy young (about 2 weeks old).- Down on fore-head pale buffy-white; a sooty black median line commencing apart(4.5 mm.) from base of exposed culmen, reaching to centre of crown; another from above anterior of eye encircling occiput; posterior half of crown chestnut-buff with a few whitish-buff bars; centre of nape with a black streak; a broad superciliary stripe commencing from base of upper mandible to nape greyish white, faintly washed with buffy; a black line from extreme base of upper mandible through eye, reaching to sides of nape; the line being interrupted (5.5mm.) at lores, broader at base of bill and sides of nape, giving an uneven outline ; mantle part greyish-black with greyish-white tips to each down; upper back and wings also greyish-black with some buffy bars; lower back and rump streaked with 3 black bands; sides of rump also streaked with an obsolete sooty black band; between these bands with pale buffy bands, centre of them being much deeper buff or rusty; sides of face. fore neck, lower throat and chest greyish-white, chin and upper throat whitish; round the eyes. lower breast, abdomen and vent nearly pure white; down feathers of tail black with rusty buff bars and tipped with greyish-white. Three anterior toes distinctly webbed as in those of adults.Soft parts.-Mandibles blackish, basal half of lower mandible horny yellowish; tarsus, toes and webs olive yellow.Specimens collected.-3 were collected by Mr. Giichi Okada from a group of 4 downy young.Locality and date.-West coast of Tsui River, near Rutaka-machi, S. Saghalien, 5 July, 1936.Remarks.-Mr. Stuart Baker(1919, 1929, t.c.) has recorded several eggs from high Lake Rhamtso (13, 000-14, 000 feet aboree sea level) in Tibet under the name of guttifer, but they seem to be very doubtful for identification as Dr. Hartert(1921, t.c.)and Mr. Peters(1934, t.c.) have considered. A discovery of the downy young of guttifer from Saghalien is very remarkable, It is no doubt a first record for exact breeding ground of the rare wader.

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