
Among the techniques that have been envisaged for page-oriented data storage in volume holographic memories, orthogonal phase-coded multiplexing [1,2] offers several advantages over angular and wavelength multiplexing having the same storage capacity. A holographic data storage system based on phase-coded multiplexing operates with a fixed wavelength and a fixed geometry, avoiding mechanically moving parts. At the same time it provides short readout times and high energy efficiency. The signal-to-noise ratio of phasecoded multiplexing for a given number of holograms is more than two orders of magnitude higher than for angular and wavelength multiplexing [3,4]. Moreover, it allows one to perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction or inversion of different data pages directly during readout of the memory [5–8]. Therefore, using phase-coded optical memories, high-capacity data storage and high-speed data processing become possible simultaneously. Additionally, orthogonal phase-coded multiplexing can be combined with a random-phase key in order to realize an encrypted holographic data storage system [9].KeywordsReference BeamSpatial Light ModulatorPhase CodeData PageHolographic Data StorageThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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