
The uplink data arriving at the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Application Server (AS) via M2M Aggregators (MAs) is fairly heterogeneous along several dimensions such as maximum permissible packet delay, arrival rate, and payload size, thus necessitating the design of Quality-of-Service (QoS) aware packet schedulers. In this paper, we classify the M2M uplink data into multiple QoS classes and use sigmoidal function to map the delay requirements of each class onto utility functions. We propose a delay-optimal multiclass packet scheduler at AS obtained by iteratively searching for the optimal fraction of time-sharing between all preemptive priority scheduling policies, such that it maximizes a proportionally fair system utility metric. The iterative optimization process leads to reduced complexity, thus facilitating its online implementation. We then extend this work to determine a jointly optimal packet scheduler at the MAs and AS. We significantly reduce its computational complexity by iteratively solving a distributed optimization problem, independently at MAs and AS. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the proposed joint packet scheduler outperforms other state-of-the-art packet schedulers and results in (desirable) near-minimal delay-jitter for delay-sensitive traffic at the expense of (tolerable) higher delay-jitter for delay-tolerant traffic.

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