
We report the results of a deep near infrared (JHK) survey of the outer parts of the Trapezium Cluster with Gemini South/Flamingos. 396 sources were detected in a 26 arcmin 2 area, including 138 brown dwarf candidates, defined as M 150 AU) binary companions. This result has modest statistical significance (96%) in our data but is supported at 93% confidence by analysis of an completely independent sample taken from the Subaru data of Kaifu et al.(2000). There is a statistically very significant excess of both stars and brown dwarfs with small separations from each other (< 6 arcsec or 2600 AU). This appears to be due to the presence of small N subgroups, which are likely to be dynamically unstable in the long term. Hence these results are consistent with the ’ejected stellar embryo’ hypothesis for brown dwarf formation (Reipurth & Clarke 2001). We also report the discovery of two new bipolar nebulae, which are interpreted as Class I protostars.

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