
A tool was developed to automatically segment several subcortical limbic structures (nucleus accumbens, basal forebrain, septal nuclei, hypothalamus without mammillary bodies, the mammillary bodies, and fornix) using only a T1-weighted MRI as input. This tool fills an unmet need as there are few, if any, publicly available tools to segment these clinically relevant structures. A U-Net with spatial, intensity, contrast, and noise augmentation was trained using 39 manually labeled MRI data sets. In general, the Dice scores, true positive rates, false discovery rates, and manual-automatic volume correlation were very good relative to comparable tools for other structures. A diverse data set of 698 subjects were segmented using the tool; evaluation of the resulting labelings showed that the tool failed in less than 1% of cases. Test-retest reliability of the tool was excellent. The automatically segmented volume of all structures except mammillary bodies showed effectiveness at detecting either clinical AD effects, age effects, or both. This tool will be publicly released with FreeSurfer (surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ScLimbic). Together with the other cortical and subcortical limbic segmentations, this tool will allow FreeSurfer to provide a comprehensive view of the limbic system in an automated way.

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