
High-level shape understanding and technique evaluation on large repositories of 3D shapes often benefit from additional information known about the shapes. One example of such information is the semantic segmentation of a shape into functional or meaningful parts. Generating accurate segmentations with meaningful segment boundaries is, however, a costly process, typically requiring large amounts of user time to achieve high-quality results. In this paper we propose an active learning framework for large dataset segmentation, which iteratively provides the user with new predictions by training new models based on already segmented shapes. Our proposed pipeline consists of three components. First, we propose a fast and accurate feature-based deep learning model to provide dataset-wide segmentation predictions. Second, we develop an information theory measure to estimate the prediction quality and for ordering subsequent fast and meaningful shape selection. Our experiments show that such suggestive ordering helps to reduce users’ time and effort, produce high-quality predictions, and construct a model that generalizes well. Lastly, we provide interactive segmentation refinement tools, helping the user quickly correct any prediction errors. We show that our framework is more accurate and in general more efficient than the state-of-the-art for large dataset segmentation, while also providing consistent segment boundaries.

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