
Currently methods for predicting absorbed dose after administering a radiopharmaceutical are rather crude in daily clinical practice. Most importantly, individual tissue density distributions as well as local variations of the concentration of the radiopharmaceutical are commonly neglected. The current study proposes machine learning techniques like Green’s function-based empirical mode decomposition and deep learning methods on U-net architectures in conjunction with soft tissue kernel Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to overcome current limitations in precision and reliability of dose estimations for clinical dosimetric applications. We present a hybrid method (DNN-EMD) based on deep neural networks (DNN) in combination with empirical mode decomposition (EMD) techniques. The algorithm receives x-ray computed tomography (CT) tissue density maps and dose maps, estimated according to the MIRD protocol, i.e. employing whole organ S-values and related time-integrated activities (TIAs), and from measured SPECT distributions of 177Lu radionuclei, and learns to predict individual absorbed dose distributions. In a second step, density maps are replaced by their intrinsic modes as deduced from an EMD analysis. The system is trained using individual full MC simulation results as reference. Data from a patient cohort of 26 subjects are reported in this study. The proposed methods were validated employing a leave-one-out cross-validation technique. Deviations of estimated dose from corresponding MC results corroborate a superior performance of the newly proposed hybrid DNN-EMD method compared to its related MIRD DVK dose calculation. Not only are the mean deviations much smaller with the new method, but also the related variances are much reduced. If intrinsic modes of the tissue density maps are input to the algorithm, variances become even further reduced though the mean deviations are less affected. The newly proposed hybrid DNN-EMD method for individualized radiation dose prediction outperforms the MIRD DVK dose calculation method. It is fast enough to be of use in daily clinical practice.

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